Item Part Number Cost Qty per college Totals
SparkFun XBee Shield WRL-12847 $18.50 4 $74.00
Arduino Stackable Header Kit - R3 PRT-11417 $1.75 4 $7.00
SparkFun XBee 3 Wireless Kit KIT-15936 $84.50 4 $338.00
Arduino Uno - R3 DEV-11021 $24.95 8 $199.60
Rain Water Level Sensor Module Depth of Detection Liquid Surface Height for Arduino 45245 $3.87 4 $15.48
SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor (with Screw Terminals) SEN-13637 $7.50 4 $30.00
SparkFun Qwiic Single Relay COM-15093 $13.95 4 $55.80
Amphibious Horizontal Submersible Pump PRT-18759 $3.95 4 $15.80
Wall Adapter Power Supply - 9VDC TOL-15314 $6.50 8 $52.00
Jumper Wires - Connected 6" (M/F, 20 pack) PRT-12794 $2.10 4 $8.40
Jumper Wires - Connected 6" (F/F, 20 pack) PRT-12796 $2.10 4 $8.40
Jumper Wires - Connected 6" (M/M, 20 pack) PRT-12795 $2.10 4 $8.40
Breadboard - Self-Adhesive (White) PRT-12002 $5.50 4 $22.00
IIC/I2C/TWI Serial 2004/20x4 LCD Module Shield for Arduino Uno/Mega2560 RB-Suf-63 $14.99 8 $119.92
SparkFun USB Mini-B Cable - 6 Foot CAB-11301 $4.50 4 $18.00
USB Cable A to B - 6 Foot CAB-00512 $4.50 4 $18.00
ITCC $990.80
Purdue $990.80
Mini-Grant total $1,981.60